Multiple Myeloma Treatment

Multiple Myeloma

If a patient is diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is important to start the treatment as early as possible. Our doctors at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care can help in discussing the treatment options that are best suited for a patient. They will also provide guidance on when to begin treatment to maximize its effectiveness.

About Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer that grows in plasma cells that are found in the soft tissue inside your bones, called bone marrow. Normally, these plasma cells produce antibodies that help your body fight off infections. In multiple myeloma, the plasma cells change into cancerous cells and start growing uncontrollably. They take up space and push out the healthy cells that usually fight infections in the body. These cancerous plasma cells make a strange antibody called M protein, which is typically found in high amounts in people with multiple myeloma.

Symptoms of Multiple myeloma

Bone painEspecially in the spine, chest, or hips
NauseaFeeling nauseous
ConstipationDifficulty passing stools
Loss of appetiteReduced desire to eat
Mental fogginess or confusionConfusion or feeling mentally unclear
TirednessFeeling fatigued
InfectionsIncreased susceptibility to infections
Weight lossUnintentional loss of weight
WeaknessDecreased strength or energy
ThirstFeeling excessively thirsty
Needing to urinate oftenIncreased frequency of urination

When to Begin Treatment:
When identifying the treatment time according to the type of multiple myeloma, many factors are taken into account. The treatment is mainly determined by the patient’s condition and response. Some may have a stable form for a significant time without any symptoms, and this stage is known as “low-intensity” or smoldering myeloma. In those situations, doctors suggest refraining from treatment for a few months or even one year to see whether the symptoms will disappear. On the contrary, for patients with a greater risk of transforming from smoldering to ‘active’ myeloma, immediate therapy can be recommended.

After a patient is diagnosed with active multiple myeloma, doctors will advise on treatment plans, and they may prompt decisions regarding the timing of the treatments.

Complications of the disease:

Bone problemsWeakening of bones, increasing the risk of fractures.
Blood problems– Anemia: Low red blood cell count causing fatigue, paleness, and potential heart problems. – Thrombocytopenia: Low platelet count, leading to difficulties in blood clotting.
Infections– Reduced immunity due to ineffective antibodies production, making it harder to fight infections. – Weakened immune system from decreased white blood cell count.
Kidney damageObstruction of kidney function by myeloma, potentially resulting in kidney failure.

Diagnosing Multiple Myeloma at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care:

Doctors at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care might suspect that patient have multiple myeloma if a blood test shows certain signs, like:

  • High levels of calcium in your blood (called hypercalcemia)
  • Not enough red blood cells (called anemia)
  • Problems with your kidneys
  • High total protein levels in your blood, but low levels of a specific protein called albumin (your doctor might call this a “globulin gap”)

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient might need more blood tests, including:

  • A complete blood count (CBC): This test measures the different types of cells in your blood.
  • Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine: These tests check how well your kidneys are working.

Treatment Success Rate:
The effectiveness of treatment varies depending on several factors, primarily the patient’s age and the stage of multiple myeloma. Generally, patients diagnosed in the early stages of the disease tend to have better outcomes compared to older patients who are in advanced stages of multiple myeloma, and those with other underlying illnesses or chronic conditions.

Treatment of Multiple Myeloma at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care
Doctors at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care decide on the best treatment procedures based on important factors like the stage of cancer, symptoms, tumor size, and age, among others.

Treatment ProcedureDescription
ChemotherapyUses drugs to reduce myeloma cells, improving response to other treatments.
Targeted TherapiesInvolves medications targeting specific proteins, tissues, or genes to halt cancer cell growth.
Immunomodulatory DrugsPrescribed to strengthen the patient’s immune system.
Radiation TherapyUtilizes high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and reduce bone masses.
Stem-cell TransplantationAssists new stem cells in replicating parent cells’ functions, producing various blood cell types.

Why It is Important to See a Multiple Myeloma Specialist at Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care?

Seeking treatment for multiple myeloma at the Therrapie Hematology and Oncology Care is an excellent choice due to its reputation as one of India’s leading clinics for such treatments. 

Managing multiple myeloma requires extensive expertise due to its complexity and aggressive nature. We have doctors with immense experience in this field and a huge success rate in treating our patients. 

Sometimes, minimal or no treatment may suffice, while in other situations patients require a more aggressive approach, utilizing all available treatment options. Inappropriate initial treatment can result in a resistant and incurable disease. Moreover, there has been a significant influx of new drugs, genetic tests, and personalized therapies, necessitating the guidance of an expert to navigate through these complexities.

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